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The growth of employees leads to the growth of companies, yet the training programs created for teams often fall short due to outdated delivery platforms. These platforms are difficult to use, stressful to manage, and cost-prohibitive.


Inky E-Learning was established to overcome these challenges and democratize training by providing a premium learning experience that is accessible, affordable, and enjoyable.

INKY E-Learning



We have created a training platform that caters to the needs of organizations and their teams, making training a means of growth for both employees and companies, rather than a burden.

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We have created a training platform that caters to the needs of organizations and their teams, making training a means of growth for both employees and companies, rather than a burden.



Tel. +33 9 71 26 97 02


Adress. â€‹3 Cr du Ginkgo

 75012 Paris



Inky Agency HQ

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Paris, France

Tallinn, Estonia

Muscat, Oman

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